Your story of your father's insight to you in your last meaningful conversation reflects what I've read from many of my colleagues who work as death doulas. They say that the biggest and heaviest emotion that people on their death beds express is REGRET.

Maya Angelou is my absolute favorite poet. And you chose one of her best lines "Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better."

I've rephrased this one for myself. I often say "I did the best I could, with what I had and knew, at the time. Now, I have and know better." Not as eloquent or poetic as Maya, but it works for me. I've shared it with many of my clients and they come back to me years later saying they repeat that inside their heads to themselves anytime and everytime they sense a feeling of regret.

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Thank you so much for your note @Teri Leigh 💜 . This conversation with my father inspired me to volunteer at a hospice after he passed. I spent time recording and transcribing life stories as well as doing a bit of spiritual care.

I’m interested in hearing more about death doulas. Is it similar to what they do in terms of support?

I really like your version of Maya’s poem. It’s a line I often recite in my mind as well. 🌺

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Really enjoyed. this. I like your brief writing style (I am a tdlr person so skip anything long!) I just subscribed and will share this piece in my weekly email round up.

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Thanks, @JFT Beach 🏖️🏊, your feedback is very helpful. Looking forward to reading your weekly round-up. I can certainly do with fun, light-hearted stories. It’s the perfect balance I need. 😊

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